Saturday, November 27, 2004

Kalli the genius?

Kalli is quickly adding 2 new tricks to her arsenal of genius activities. The first almost-trick, is Kalli is really wanting to sit up on her own. It's pretty neat actually. She has decided that she doesn't really want to sit facing us anymore. Nope, she is wanting to sit and face the world. The bad news is that she is trying to sit up while in her car seat. This means that she generally ends up semi flopped over on her side, AND that it is time for a new car seat. Sure glad we got our money's worth on that infant carrier( note the sarcasm)!! Her second almost-trick is that she can just about roll over onto her tummy. She has been rolling onto her side since birth (yes I said since birth. Trevor was right when he freaked out the first night we were home. I witnessed it myself), now she has figured out how to get 3/4 of the way over. Once she figures out how to get her arm under her body, she'll be doing log rolls in no time! It's scary to think that she is so strong and still so little. I guess that's just what babies do.. they get big and strong... and start sitting up and rolling over. Of course I just like to think that OUR baby girl is a bonafide genius to be doing these new tricks. But then again, maybe I'm just biased...

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