Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Daddy is a slowpoke..

Hi family and friends... Kalli's mama here. I just wanted to state for the record that we do have lots of pictures to post, but I don't know how to do that yet. Thus Note today's title.

Quick update for you all. Our first Christmas was pretty good. Kalli, like every other child in America didn't want to sleep past 6AM. She apparently couldn't wait one more second to see what Santa has brought for her. As you all can guess, Little miss Kalliopi is a very blessed girl. She has enough clothing to keep her fashionable until she's in an 18-24 month size, and she's got more toys than any little girl really ever needs, but she's gonna love 'em all.

We had our 4 month Dr's visit yesterday. Kalli is about 15 lbs. now and in the 75-95 percentile when it comes to height. She is indeed teething, as mom and dad already knew. Shots were administered. Trev, Kalli, and I slept very little last night. Probably has something to do with achy legs from the injections, and hurting gums from the teething. Fun. Fun. We are supposed to start the Ferber method in a few days to teach miss Kalli to sleep through the night. I'm doing the research on it now to decide if it's the best way to go. If any of you have opinions, please email me or comment below.

We'll get pictures on here in a few days. I promise they are worth waiting for. Thanks for your patience...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Books I liked....."baby Whisper" and "the no cry sleep solution" I have read a ton on sleeping..........You have to know your baby and what will work best with her personality. I also bought into the thinking that sleeping through the night was 7 to 7.......5 hours is sleeping through the night!!! Some babes won't do it no matter what method you use until 1 or even 2!!!!!!!! One of the books reminded me that they are only this little for so long and comforting them at night.....even though it is hard some nights, is awesome time you will never get back. That has helped me through many a sleepless night!!!! Being able to rock and snuggle Owen when the house is quiet and dark are some of the most special times we share!!!! I don't know if that helps..........Baby wise and Ferber are a lot of Down sides.........I stick to knowing when to be firm and let him cry and when he needs my comfort, sometimes being as strict as they say makes bed time.....a nightmare and you and baby get stressed!!!! So after reading over 5 books on sleeping........and trying at least 3 methods for 4 weeks each..........Owen did it on his own in his time!!! Take that Dr. Ferber!!! Good luck! -KT