Thursday, February 10, 2005

My 5.5 Month Update

Oh yeah... We've found our feet. Kalliopi has added a few new tricks to her arsenal. She now kicks CONSTANTLY. She kicks her legs on the crib mattress to hear herself make noise. She kicks her exersaucer while laying on the floor so she can hear the noise it makes. It's more of an action/reaction thing.

Still no teeth. However, she seems to be getting her molars in before her front teeth. I'm told that the back teeth hurt a lot more than the front ones, so hopefully they will poke through very very soon. Until then, there's tylenol and cold washcloths to soothe the hurt.

Miss K. also likes to talk. She's definately her mother's child! She has started making "words" and talking in her own language to herself and to really anyone who will listen and talk back to her. This should get interesting......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWW! What a cutie! She's flexible enough to already reach her toes...a dancer in training! :)

Meredith Miller